

A Plantspeak oracle card reading offers guidance for accepting or creating change within and around you. Compassion and kindness create a safe space where you’ll learn how to create a heart-mind perspective shift. Free your “small” self  through methods that bring your body, thoughts and emotions into alignment with your larger inner truth.


You’ll first draw 6 cards from my deck. In conjunction with the cards, I work with images (clairvoyance). We’ll meet on Zoom (phone) or in-person in Seattle.

Sometimes when you’re just stuck, curious or deep in the muck, you may want some help from me, the perspective shifter! My goal is to help you set yourself free from negative patterns, blocks, self-doubt, false beliefs and stories and bring more joy into your life.

When you observe a bodily sensation, feeling or thought, you create space for potential change. With self compassion, you’ll see other ways of being that can lead to healing.

Most importantly, the whole reading is rooted in kindness. Practicing self-awareness and acceptance in a compassionate setting is the quickest way to healing and remembering who you are.


“Play” and humor helps us to shift our perspectives. All readings include Plantspeak cards and clairvoyance. Some readings may include: guided meditations, toning, visualizations, Reiki/energy techniques, and occasionally mediumship.



Through self-observation and growing awareness, you’ll find a more functional you.

  • consciously shift patterns and old beliefs
  • break subconscious contracts with yourself and others
  • become aware of what negative stories you’re holding onto, how to release and transmute them
  • find specific opportunities for choice or change
  • learn how to be more present in your body
  • connect with a higher dimension for greater wisdom about your life path
  • ask questions with more neutrality
  • engage compassionately with yourself
  • raise your vibration
  • dissolve blocks and open up to your higher potential
  • explore your intuitive & creative self
  • nurture and expand your day-to-day curiosity
  • get tools to help you remember who you are on a soul level
  • limit mindtalk to create new neural pathways

Sessions are $1.60 minute. (30-minute session: $48. & 60-minute session: $96.)

Rainbow Events

On Hold Rainbow Natural Remedies, 409 15th Ave E, Seattle, WA 98112.

  • Reserve your spot in advance by emailing
  • Special pricing for Rainbow customer card readings: $25 for 15 mins, $40 for 30 mins, $60 for 45 mins. In-store special, if space is available: 15 mins pay-what-you-can.
  • Get your own deck from me.

Oracle Cards

Plantspeak oracle cards originated from nature. These unique cards offer you access to your subconscious mind to answer your questions and encourage you to shift and evolve. As a tool, they help you to cultivate your intuition. Intuition is empowering and never scary (unlike your thoughts).



You’ll receive the boxed Plantspeak Nature Oracle 52-card deck and guide that includes various layouts and interpretations for ease of use. Cards are 3.5″ x 5.75″ Printed in China.

“These cards are created from a high vibration of Phoebe’s love for the great outdoors, and her life-affirming intuition. May they bless your life and inspire your divine insight.”

Marie Manuchehri, RN, author of Intuitive Self-Healing

The idea for creating Plantspeak nature oracle cards and guide grew out of my love of nature and my former experience as a landscape designer. My visionary journey included taking photos of tree faces, flowers and natural beauty in Seattle, Northern California and my garden. Each card drawn offers plant wisdom and nature’s healing balm. The process of creating the deck was healing for me and these cards, in turn,  offer you the same connection and healing with nature.


Each revelatory card offers inspiring information to help you unlock your intuitive abilities and connect with your inner/higher self.

•receive daily empowering guidance

•reveal what you can nurture or let go of in your life

•transform challenges into growth opportunities

52 cards in a box with card definitions and layout instructions.

Size: .667 × .667 × 0.0833 in

Weight: .5625 lbs


Curiosity is a key to to remembering your authentic self. When you’re curious, life becomes more joyful, relaxed and interesting. Your intuition and creativity open up and you become more expansive in your general well being.

Intuition is like a doorway to your inner self. Your intuition helps you to embrace change, unlike your fearful mind. Are you ready to stand up to your mind?

Intuition is empowering and never scary (unlike your thoughts). Your energy is in flux and reflects what’s going on with you at the moment. You can change this energy in an instant. You always have free will to choose your perspective and the next steps to take in life.

Intuition speaks the language of truth in our timeless universe. I honor the inner knowing in you and in me as I work with you to align to universal truth.


$33 ($36 including tax)

Rooting Down, Expanding Out Course

Join in on the 12-week (4 3-week units) online journey using creative play and intuitive practices for living a life on-purpose in these wobbly times. You’ll  emerge from FIRE free of inner cobwebs and old stories, from WATER, you’ll learn about your inner world and forgotten wisdom, from AIR, you’ll cultivate your relationship with your higher self, and from EARTH, you’ll get tools to integrate and embody your clear, intuitive, and creative self. Date TBA


I received (with Eleni Livitsanos) the outline of the course through a free flowing creative and inspired series of downloads.

Part 1 FIRE is your ally to clear out outdated beliefs and stories and to create delicious inner space. You’ll emerge from FIRE with openness, lightness and curiosity.

Part 2 WATER is your ally to help you lovingly cultivate your inner world,  connect to your calling and re-member why you’re here. You’ll emerge from WATER clear and ready.

Part 3 AIR is your ally to meet your team, both in the physical and non-physical realms. In this part, building relationships is the name of the game! You’ll emerge from AIR feeling fully supported.

Part 4 EARTH is your ally, and you’ll be guided to embody everything that transpired in the first three parts, drawing the transformation into our cells, into the earth, and integrating it into our lived experience in a physical way. You’ll emerge from EARTH with cellular knowing and living.  Meaning, you’ll be given tools to integrate and embody the lessons you receive from your wise self and guides/allies.



• Receive meditations and exercises twice weekly. These will be in the form of videos, audios, prompts and written sharing.

•Sit in virtual circle on Zoom video calls generally on Wednesday afternoon/evening (they’ll be recorded if you’re unable to attend live)

•Participate in a private FB group to share your experiences with each other and the group

•Enroll in all four parts, or enroll in one or more parts individually

Preparation… Because this course is experientially-oriented, very little is needed outside of your time, openness and curiosity. You’ll need a journal to document your experiences, access to a computer for the weekly emails, and webcam or camera on your computer for our video calls (these can be done with audio only, too). It’s not required that you’re on Facebook, although aspects of the group support and sharing may be missed without FB participation.


Together we’ll navigate what it means, feels, and looks like to live inside of an aligned life, to grow and expand even when the world may seem to be contracting or splintering, and to be grounded while sharing your gifts to create the world you want to live in.  All while being inside of sacred space with other beautiful womxn.

You will:

•  immerse yourself in creative play and intuitive practices.

• discover your individual and collective symbols through fun exercises to access information.

• witness your essence and inner knowingness with ease.

• have tools to easily embody your transformation.

You’ll do this all with the support of a beautiful circle of people.


Price: TBA, tentatively $250

You’ll receive an email within 24 hours, which will include additional details and a short questionnaire. I’m looking forward to sitting in circle with you!

In preparation:

I’m asking each of you to join us in creating a safe container, in which you’ll weave your intention in preparation for our journey together.

First, get comfortable feeling yourself sitting solidly in a chair. Notice gravity connecting you to earth. Invite in light from a star way above you. Find where they meet in your heart.

Now, imagine a pole in your mind’s eye. Think of a maypole. Notice what the pole is made of and what it looks like–how tall is it, what color is it?

Now, imagine that there are many ribbons coming off of the pole, each belonging to a <3 sister who is part of this circle.

Notice the ribbon that you’re holding, this ribbon that is especially for you.

Observe it – what color is it? How does it feel? Is it light or heavy? What is it made out of?

Connect to this ribbon, feeling its essence. What does it want you to know?

Perhaps it’s chatty, or not? Hum or sing the tonal quality of your ribbon. Feel your voice vibrate in your body.

Does it have a scent or taste?

If you distill the essence of this ribbon to one word, what would it be?

Take a moment to draw the essence of the word in your minds’ eye or on a piece of paper. It may be a symbol, a shape, a doodle, or a drawing.

If you’ve done some or all of the above, you’ve just created your intention for our journey!

If it’s not clear now, it will become clear soon.

As each of you begin to weave ribbons around the pole, we’re all rooting down and expanding out our intentions. 

each of you to join us in creating a safe container, in which you’ll weave your intention in preparation for our journey together.

First, get comfortable feeling yourself sitting solidly in a chair. Notice gravity connecting you to earth. Invite in light from a star way above you. Find where they meet in your heart.

Now, imagine a pole in your mind’s eye. Think of a maypole. Notice what the pole is made of and what it looks like–how tall is it, what color is it?

Now, imagine that there are many ribbons coming off of the pole, each belonging to a <3 sister who is part of this circle.

Notice the ribbon that you’re holding, this ribbon that is especially for you.

Observe it – what color is it? How does it feel? Is it light or heavy? What is it made out of?

Connect to this ribbon, feeling its essence. What does it want you to know?

Perhaps it’s chatty, or not? Hum or sing the tonal quality of your ribbon. Feel your voice vibrate in your body.

Does it have a scent or taste?

If you distill the essence of this ribbon to one word, what would it be?

Take a moment to draw the essence of the word in your minds’ eye or on a piece of paper. It may be a symbol, a shape, a doodle, or a drawing.

If you’ve done some or all of the above, you’ve just created your intention for our journey!

If it’s not clear now, it will become clear soon.

As each of you begin to weave ribbons around the pole, we’re all rooting down and expanding out our intentions. 

Email me at with any questions.

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